1. Payment Methods:
- We offer the following payment methods for your convenience:
- Cash On Delivery (COD)
- Bank Transfer (Online Payment)
2. Bank Transfer Details:
- Bank Name: Meezan Bank Limited
- IBAN Number: PK82MEZN0001380105867192
- Branch Name: K.A.E.C.H.S Branch
- Branch Code: 0138
3. Online Payments:
- For bank transfers, please use the provided IBAN number and ensure correct payment details are entered.
- After making the payment, kindly share a screenshot or reference message via our Payment Form Link, WhatsApp, or Email to facilitate order processing.
4. Payment Confirmation:
- Orders will be confirmed upon receipt and verification of payment.
- Please allow up to 1-2 business days for payment verification, especially for bank transfers.
5. Payment Issues:
- In case of any payment issues or discrepancies, please contact us immediately for assistance. We are committed to resolving any problems promptly.
6. Order Confirmation:
- Your order will be processed and confirmed once payment has been successfully verified.
- For COD orders, confirmation will be sent upon order placement.
7. Refunds:
- Refunds, if applicable, will be processed according to our Refund Policy.
8. Contact Us:
- For any inquiries regarding payments or assistance with placing an order, please contact us at markhstationers@gmail.com or call us at +923122021060.
9. Disclaimer:
- Markh World reserves the right to update or modify these Payment Terms and Conditions as necessary. Please refer to our website or contact customer support for the latest information.